

CounterCulture International exists to inspire a generation to live with greater purpose and to establish the gospel around the world.

In our current culture, it’s easy to live with ourselves in the center of our worlds – making decisions according to the influences of our culture.  If we never learn any differently, we become people living only for ourselves.

But if a greater truth is revealed to us – we are able to break free of the chains of “cultural norms” and we can begin making decisions to live differently.

At CounterCulture International, we believe that the “greater truth” is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Hosea 4:6 states, “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”  This indicates to us that a person doesn’t have to be “bad” to miss out on all that God has purposed for them – they can miss it simply by not knowing.

So we’ve set out to make it our mission to reveal to people what they don’t know – whether that’s the knowledge of Jesus Christ in a third-world country or the knowledge of a greater purpose in first-world culture.

As we develop and expand the mission projects that occur under CounterCulture International, we continue to serve and evangelize in third-world countries in partnership with foreign mission organizations and independently.

The purpose of these trips is three-fold.  Primarily, these trips allow us to evangelize to those who have never heard the name “Jesus” before and to disciple those who have recently accepted Christ but lack the resources and teachings to further their walk.  Secondly, we serve the people in these communities with practical needs such as repairs, water and other necessary supplies.  Lastly, we are developing relationships and programs to establish future mission programs and determine the greatest needs for the organizations “on the ground.”

There are several facets of CounterCulture International that we believe God is laying on our hearts to pursue.  As we grow, we hope to have programs for mission trips, third-world country church plants and discipleship programs and eventually, establishing orphanages.

We hope to organize foreign mission trips for this generation – from fundraising and donation logistics before they leave to all of the logistics during the trip until they are safely back at home.

We have found that one of the greatest ways to inspire a life for others is to expand a person’s perspective on the world.  Our hope is that having the opportunity to go on a mission’s trip serves as a catalyst for life and character growth – whether that person dedicates their life to foreign missions or applies their life-changing experiences to a mainstream career.

Our mission trips would be three-fold:

      1. Create opportunity for young adults to go on mission trips
      2. Financially support the hosting foreign mission organization
      3. Logistically and spiritually serve the foreign communities we visit

We hope to financially fund church plants in select foreign countries.

In many parts of America, we have several churches in every city.  However, there are still parts of the world that have never heard the name of Jesus.  And although there are missions happening every day to reach these people with the gospel – our hearts are focused on how these individuals can be discipled and multiply.

One of the biggest ways we can facilitate discipleship and multiplication is church-planting and the establishment of discipleship programs in the foreign countries that we frequently partner with.

It is our hearts to partner with established organizations on the ground in these countries and be able to orchestrate these church plants and discipleship programs financially and through resources and training.

We believe God has focused our attention on planting a church in Ethiopia and have began to discuss plans on how to move forward.

We hope to establish orphanages in specific countries that are lacking resources and options for unwanted children – starting with an orphanage in the country of Nepal where we have discussed the biggest issues of the area with a local ministry.

We hope to produce a mainstream-accepted TV docuseries highlighting various third-world countries and the work of the local mission organizations.  This TV docuseries would be owned by CounterCulture International and thus, a non-profit venture with all net profits being disbursed to the highlighted mission organizations.