Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve gathered together a list of the most frequently asked questions we receive.  If this list doesn’t answer your question, please contact us here!


How old do you have to be to go on a mission trip with CCI?
Each trip has it’s own restrictions, but in general, you need to be at least 12-years-old with a parent or guardian to join CCI on a mission trip.

Is it safe to go on a mission trip?
The safety of our team members is our highest priority.  With that said, there are some locations we go to that we consider safe for families and some that can be fairly dangerous.  If you are considering a trip to a specific location with us, look on that trip’s webpage and we do our best to disclose the risk factors for that specific location.

Will there be time to do anything fun or explore the country?
You’ll be able to have fun and explore the country while you serve on the mission trip as most of the trips consist of traveling the area.  Additionally, some trips schedule at least one day of exploration and leisure activities in the area and other trips have at least a few hours built-in to the schedule at the end of each ministry day to explore.

Do I have to share a room with someone?
Yes.  This is part of the experience as well as a safety precaution.  You can choose who you share a room with; otherwise, we will assign roommates based on gender unless you are traveling with your parent/child.


I have a group that wants to go on a mission trip by ourselves, can CCI help us coordinate that?
Absolutely!  In addition to our open mission trips, we are also able to coordinate private trips.  We have partnerships in a dozen countries and ministries around the world and can discuss those options with you to determine the best fit for your group!

I’m not part of a big group but I want to go on a mission trip and can’t go to any of the ones on your website, are there options for me?
Possibly!  Send us a message with the location, dates and focus you desire for a mission trip and sometimes we are able to create a trip that will accommodate your request!


What if I want to go on a mission trip but don’t have the money?
Most team member’s opt to pay for the trip by fundraising and CCI utilizes Donorbox to help facilitate tracking your fundraising goals and generating personal links to share with people who may be interested in donating to your trip. Once CCI approves your application, we will send you all the information you need to get this setup!

Is all the money people donate for my trip tax-deductible?
Yes, CCI is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations that are made through CCI are tax-deductible.  Donors will receive a summary of their donations in January each year.

Can someone get a tax-deduction if they give the money to me directly?
Unfortunately, the donation has to be processed through CCI in order to get a tax-deduction.  Any money given directly to you will not receive a tax-deduction.

Can I get a refund for the trip if I am not able to go?
In general, we are not able to issue refunds for trips once you have paid your deposit.  However, we handle these scenarios on a case-by-case basis and if we are able to provide a refund we will – but typically, once flights and lodging have been paid we are not able to get that money back from our vendors and therefore, not able to issue the refund (although occasionally, we are able to get travel vouchers from the airlines).  We can also explore other options like transferring the money paid to another person who is able to go on the trip.  In short, we are limited with our ability to provide refunds but we do explore all reasonable options.